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Summer Dormant Succulents That Will Thrive In Your Garden

Succulents are a popular choice for gardeners of all levels, thanks to their easy care and drought-tolerant nature. However, not all succulents are created equal. Some succulents, known as summer dormant succulents, go dormant during the hot summer months. This means that they will stop growing and require very little water.

If you live in an area with hot summers, summer dormant succulents are a great option for your garden. They will thrive in the heat and won't require a lot of your time or attention.

In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of summer dormant succulents, including what they are, how to care for them, and some popular varieties.

What are summer dormant succulents?

Summer dormant succulents are succulents that go dormant during the hot summer months. This means that they will stop growing and require very little water. They typically start to go dormant in late spring or early summer, and will remain dormant until fall or early winter.

How to care for summer dormant succulents

The care of summer dormant succulents is relatively simple. During the dormant season, they should be watered very sparingly. You should only water them if the soil is completely dry. You should also avoid fertilizing them during this time.

Once the dormant season is over, you can start to water your succulents more regularly. You can also start to fertilize them again.

Popular varieties of summer dormant succulents

There are many different varieties of summer dormant succulents, but some of the most popular include:

  • Agave Image of Agave summer dormant succulent
  • Aloe vera Image of Aloe vera summer dormant succulent
  • Haworthia Image of Haworthia summer dormant succulent
  • Kalanchoe Image of Kalanchoe summer dormant succulent
  • Sedum Image of Sedum summer dormant succulent


Summer dormant succulents are a great option for gardeners who live in hot climates. They are easy to care for and require very little water. If you are looking for a low-maintenance succulent that will thrive in the heat, then a summer dormant succulent is a great choice.

If you're interested in learning more about summer dormant succulents, I recommend visiting Home Gardening. This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including a list of summer dormant succulents, tips on how to care for them, and even a forum where you can ask questions and get help from other succulent enthusiasts.

FAQ of summer dormant succulents

  • What are summer dormant succulents?

Summer dormant succulents are plants that enter a period of dormancy during the hot summer months. This is because they are adapted to cooler temperatures and can suffer if they are overwatered or exposed to too much heat. Some common summer dormant succulents include sedums, echeverias, and agaves.

  • How do I know if my succulent is summer dormant?

There are a few signs that can indicate that your succulent is summer dormant. These include:

* The plant stops growing.
* The leaves become thinner and more wrinkled.
* The plant may lose some of its leaves.
* The plant may become more compact.
  • How should I care for my summer dormant succulent?

During the summer, you should reduce watering your summer dormant succulent. You should also move it to a location where it will receive indirect sunlight. If the weather is particularly hot, you may want to bring your succulent indoors.

  • When will my summer dormant succulent start growing again?

Your summer dormant succulent will start growing again when the weather cools down in the fall. Once the weather starts to cool down, you can gradually increase watering and move your succulent back to a location where it will receive direct sunlight.

Image of summer dormant succulents

  1. Agave americanaImage of Agave americana summer dormant succulent

  2. Kalanchoe blossfeldianaImage of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana summer dormant succulent

  3. Sedum rubrotinctumImage of Sedum rubrotinctum summer dormant succulent

  4. Echeveria agavoidesImage of Echeveria agavoides summer dormant succulent

  5. Haworthia cooperiImage of Haworthia cooperi summer dormant succulent

  6. Gasteria liliputanaImage of Gasteria liliputana summer dormant succulent

  7. Aloe veraImage of Aloe vera summer dormant succulent

  8. Aeonium arboreumImage of Aeonium arboreum summer dormant succulent

  9. Haworthia fasciataImage of Haworthia fasciata summer dormant succulent

  10. LithopsImage of Lithops summer dormant succulent

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